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Book reviews
from the journal
Acta Applicandae

Book reviews from the journal
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae

This section offers book reviews from the journal Acta Applicandae Mathematicae.

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Author(s) Title
Abraham, Ralph H.
Shaw, Christopher D.
Dynamics, The Geometry of Behavior, 2nd edition view
Abramowski, S.
Müller, H.
Geometrisches Modellieren view
Adamek, J.
Trnkova, V.
Automata and Algebras in Categories view
Adámek, Jiri
Trnková, Vera
Automata and Algebras in Categories view
Agarwal, R.P.
Wong, P.J.Y.
Error inequalities in polynomial interpolation and their applications view
Alajbegovic, J.
Mockor, J.
Approximation Theorems in Commutative Algebra. Classical and Categorical Methods view
Alajbegovic, J.
Mockor, J.
Approximation Theorems in Commutative Algebra. Classical and Categorical Methods view
Albeverio, S.
Blanchard, Ph.
Streit, L.
Albeverio, S. (ed.)
Blanchard, Ph. (ed.)
Testard, D. (ed.)
Stochastics, algebra and analysis in classical and quantum dynamics view
Albeverio, S. (ed.)
Blanchard, Ph. (ed.)
Testard, D. (ed.)
Stochastics, Algebra and Analysis in Classical and Quantum Dynamics view
Alexandrov, V.V.
Gorsky, N.D.
Image representation and processing view
Alexandrov, V.V.
Gorsky, N.D.
Alexandrov, V.V.
Gorsky, N.D.
Image Representation and Processing view
Alvino, A. (ed.)
Fabes, E. (ed.)
Talenti, G. (ed.)
Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type view
Antman, S.S. (ed.)
Ericksen, J.L. (ed.)
Kinderlehrer, D. (ed.)
Müller, I. (ed.)
Metastability and Incompletely Posed Problems view
Antontsev, S.N.
Khludnev, A.M.
Hoffmann, K.-H.
Arkhangel'skii, A.V. Topological Function Spaces view
Arnold, A.
Guessarian, I.
Mathematiques pour l'informatique view
Arnold, V. I. (ed.) Dynamical System VIII: Singularity Theory II - Applications view
Aven, O.I.
Coffman, E.G. Jr.
Kogan, Y.A.
Stochastic Analysis of Computer Storage view
Ayyub, B.M. (ed.)
Gupta, M.M. (ed.)
Kanal, L.N. (ed.)
Analysis and Management of Uncertainty. Theory and Applications. view
Bahturin, Y. Basic structures of modern algebra view
Bahturin, Yuri Basic Structures of Modern Algebra view
Bainov, Drumi
Simeonov, Pavel
Integral Inequalities and Applications view
Bakonyi, M.
Constantinescu, T.
Schur's algorithm and several applications view
Bamon, R. (ed.)
Labarca, R. (ed.)
Lewowicz, J. (ed.)
Palis, J. (ed.)
Dynamical Systems view
Barbu, V. (ed.)
Tiba, D. (ed.)
Bonnans, J.F. (ed.)
Optimization, Optimal Control and Partial Differential Equations. First France-Romanian Conference, Iasi, September 7-11, 1992 view
Barnett, V. Sample survey: principles & methods view
Barnett, V. Sample survey: principles & methods view
Becker, K.-H.
Dorfler, M.
Dynamical systems and fractals (Computer graphics experiments in Pascal) view
Beer, G. Topologies on closed and closed convex sets view
Bell, S.R. The Cauchy transform, potential theory, and conformal mapping view
Bellman, Richard E.
Roth, Robert S.
Methods in Approximation view
Belopolskaya, Ya.I.
Dalecky, Yu.L.
Stochastic Equations and Differential Geometry view
Bensoussan, Alain Stochastic Control of Partially observable Systems view
Bensoussan, Alain
Prato, Giuseppe Da
Delfour, Michel C.
Mitter, Sanjoy K.
Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems, Vol. 2 view
Bensoussan, Alain
Prato, Giuseppe Da
Delfour, Michel C.
Mitter, Sanjoy K.
Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems, Vol. 1 view
Beskin, V.S.
Gurevich, A.V.
Istomin, Ya.N.
Physics of the Pulsar Magnetosphere view
Bessant, C. Computers and chaos view
Beyer, William H. CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae (29th Edition) view
Bichteler, K.
Gravereaux, J.-B.
Jacod, J.
Malliavin calculus for processes with jumps view
Bishop, A.J. (ed.)
Mellin-Olsen, S. (ed.)
Dormolen, J.van (ed.)
Mathematical Knowledge: Its Growth Through Teaching view
Bishop, A.R. (ed.)
Campbell, D.K. (ed.)
Kumar, P. (ed.)
Trullinger, S.E. (ed.)
Nonlinearity in condensed matter. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference, Center for Nonlinear Structures, Los Alamos, New Mexico, 5-9 May 1986 view
Björk, Jan-Eric Analitic D-Modules and Applications view
Bleecker, David
Csordas, George
Basic Partial Differential Equations view
Bliedtner, J.
Hansen, W.
Potential Theory. An Analytic and Probabilistic Approach to Balayage view
Bliedtner, J.
Hansen, W.
Potential Theory. An Analytic and Probabilistic Approach to Balayage view
Borelli, Robert L.
Coleman, Courtney
Boyce, William E.
Differential Equations Laboratory Workbook view
Borkar, V. S. Topics in controlled Markov chains view
Borkar, V.S. Topics in controlled Markov chains view
Bountis, T. Chaotic Dynamics, Theory and Practice view
Branges, L. de (ed.)
Gohberg, I. (ed.)
Rovnyak, J. (ed.)
Topics in Operator Theory, Ernst D. Hellinger Memorial Volume view
Brass, H. (ed.)
Hämmerlin, G. (ed.)
Numerical Integration IV view
Brink, D.M. Semi-classical methods in nucleus-nucleus scattering view
Bromek, T. (ed.)
Plesszczynska, E. (ed.)
Statistical Inference, Theory and Practice view
Brown, R.F. A topological introduction to nonlinear analysis view
Brudnyi, Yu.A.
Krugljak, N.Ya.
Interpolation functors and interpolation spaces, Volume 1 view
Bröcker, Theodor Analysis view
Buckmaster, J.D. (ed.)
Takeno, T. (ed.)
Mathematical Modeling in Combustion Science view
Buja, A. (ed.)
Tukey, P.A. (ed.)
Computing and graphics in statistics view
Buja, A. (ed.)
Tukey, P.A. (ed.)
Computing and graphics in statistics view
Bulirsch, R. (ed.)
Miele, A. (ed.)
Stoer, J. (ed.)
Well, K.H. (ed.)
Optimal Control, Calculus of Variations, Optimal Control Theory and Numerical Methods view
Burago, Yu.D.
Shefel', S.Z.
Rozendorn, E.R.
Sabitov, I.Kh.
Geometry III (Theory of Surfaces) view
Burgh, A. van der (ed.)
Simonis, J. (ed.)
Topics in engineering mathematics. Modeling and Methods view
Busenberg, S.
Cooke, K.
Vertically Transmitted Diseases, Models and Dynamics view
Butkovskiy, Anatoliy G. Phase Portraits of Control Dynamical Systems view
Bélair, Jacques
Dubuc, Serge
Fractal Geometry and Analysis view
Capasso, V. Mathematical Structures of Epidemic Systems view
Cercignani, Carlo Mathematical Methods in Kinetic Theory (Second Ed.) view
Chang, K.-C. Infinite Dimensional Morse Theory and Multiple Solution Problems view
Chatelin, Francoise Eigenvalues of Matrices view
Chudnovsky, D.V. (ed.)
Chudnovsky, G.V. (ed.)
Search theory: Some recent developments view
Clarke, C.J.S. The analysis of space-time singularities view
Clarkson, P.A. (ed.) Applications of analytic and geometric methods to nonlinear differential equations view
Clover, F.
Klingman, D.
Phillips, N.V.
Network Models in Optimization and Their Applications in Practice view
Cohen, Arjeh M. (ed.) Computer Algebra in Industry. Problem Solving in Practice view
Constantin, Gheorghe
Istratescu, Ioana
Elements of Probabilistic Analysis with Applications view
Cox, R.A. (ed.) Mathematics in major accident risk assessment view
Cox, R.A. (ed.) Mathematics in major accident risk assessment view
DELFOUR, M.C. (ed.) Shape Optimization and Free Boundaries view
Dall'Aglio, G. (ed.)
Kotz, S. (ed.)
Solinetti, G. (ed.)
Advances in probability distributions with given marginals view
Daubechies, Ingrid Ten lectures on wavelets view
David, Sinnou (ed.) Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, Paris 1990-1991 view
Devaney, Robert L. A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems - Theory and Experiment view
Devaney, Robert L. An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems view
Dimovski, I.H. Convolutional calculus view
Dop, H. van (ed.)
Kallos, G. (ed.)
Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application IX view
Dore, Giovanni (ed.)
Favini, Angelo (ed.)
Obrecht, Enrico (ed.)
Venni, Alberto (ed.)
Droste, Manfred (ed.)
Gurevich, Yuri (ed.)
Semantics of Programming Languages and Model Theory view
Dvurecenskij, A. Gleason's Theorem and Its Applications view
Dzhuraev, A. Methods of singular integral equations view
Egorov, A.D.
Sobolevsky, P.I.
Yanovich, L.A.
Functional integrals: Approximate evaluation and applications view
Egorov, A.D.
Sobolevsky, P.I.
Yanovich, L.A.
Functional integrals: Approximate evaluation and applications view
Einsilver, Philip
Schott, René
Algebraic Structures and Operators Calculus, Vol. I: Representations and Probability Theory view
Eissette, F. (ed.)
Galligo, A. (ed.)
Computational Algebraic Geometry view
Ellis, G. (ed.)
Lanza, A. (ed.)
Miller, J. (ed.)
The Renaissance of General Relativity and Cosmology view
Elworthy, K.D. (ed.)
Everitt, W. Norrie (ed.)
Lee, E. Bruce (ed.)
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Control Science view
Engelking, R.
Sieklucki, K.
Topology, A Geometric Approach view
Feistel, R.
Ebeling, W.
Evolution of complex systems, Selforganisation, entropy and development view
Fellner, W.D. Computer Grafik view
Fenchel, W. Elementary Geometry in Hyperbolic Space view
Fernandez, R.
Fröhlich, J.
Sokal, A.D.
Random walks, critical phenomena and triviality in quantum field theory view
Floudas, C.A. (ed.)
Pardalos, P.M. (ed.)
Recent advances in global optimization view
Floudas, C.A. (ed.)
Pardalos, P.M. (ed.)
Recent advances in global optimization view
Fomenko, A.T. The Plateau Problem view
Frohlich, A.
Taylor, M.J.
Algebraic Number Theory view
Gabriel, P
Roiter, A.V.
Keller, B.
Representations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras view
Galambos, J. (ed.)
Katai, I. (ed.)
Probability Theory and Applications view
Galambos, Janos (ed.)
Kátai, Imre (ed.)
Probability Theory and Applications view
Gani, J. (ed.)
Priestley, M.B. (ed.)
Essays in time series and allied processes - Papers in honour of E.J. Hannan view
Geddes, Keith O.
Czapor, Stephen R.
Labahn, George
Algorithms for Computer Algebra view
Gelenbe, E. (ed.) Neural networks II: advances and applications view
Gelenbe, E. (ed.) Neural networks II: advances and applications view
Gersting, Judith L. Mathematical Structures for Computer Science (Third Ed.) view
Gheondea, A.
Timotin, D.
Vasileacu, F.-H.
Operator Extensions, Interpolation of Functions and Related Topics view
Gimbel, J. (ed.)
Kennedy, J.W. (ed.)
Quintas, L.V. (ed.)
Quo Vadis, Graph Theory? view
Gindikin, S.
Volevich, L.R.
The Method of Newton's Polyhedron in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations view
Gindikin, S.
Volevich, L.R.
The Method of Newton's Polyhedron in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations view
Glass, A.M. (ed.)
Holland, W. Charles (ed.)
Lattice-Ordered Groups view
Godunov, S.K.
Antonov, A.G.
Kiriljuk, O.P.
Kostin, V.I.
Guaranteed Accuracy in Numerical Linear Algebra view
Golden, J.M.
Graham, G.A.C.
Goles, E. (ed.)
Martínez, S. (ed.)
Statistical physics, automata networks and dynamical systems view
Golez, Eric (ed.)
Martinez, Servet (ed.)
Statistical Physics,Automata Network and Dynamical Systems view
Gomez M, Guillermo L. Dynamic Probabilistic Models and Social Structure. Essays on Socioeconomic Continuity view
Gopalsamy, K. Stability and oscillations in delay equations of population dynamics view
Gray, P. (ed.)
Nicolis, G. (ed.)
Baras, F. (ed.)
Borckmans, P. (ed.)
Scott, S.K. (ed.)
Spatial inhomogeneities and transient behaviour in chemical kinetics. Proceedings in nonlinear science view
Grisvard, P. Singularities in boundary value problem view
Guerre-Delabrière, Sylvie Classical Sequences in Banach Spaces view
Gähler, W. (ed.)
Herrlich, H. (ed.)
Preuss, G. (ed.)
Recent developments of general topology and its applications - International Conference in Memory of Felix Hausdorff (1868-1942) view
Géradin, M.
Rixen, D.
Théorie des vibration (Application à la dynamique des structures) view
Gómez, S. (ed.)
Hennart, J.-P. (ed.)
Advances in optimization and numerical Analysis view
Havner, K.S. Finite Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Solids view
Helson, H. (ed.) Special classes of linear operators and other topi - 11th Internat. Conference on Operator Theory, Bucharest (Romania), June 2-June 12, 1986 view
Hermann, R. Cartan Geometry, Nonlinear waves, and Control Theory, Part B view
Hladik, Jean Le calcul tensoriel en physique view
Hoekzema, D.J. The quantum labyrinth view
Holzapfel, R.-P. Geometry and Arithmetic Around Euler Partial Differential Equations view
Holzapfel, R.P. Geometry and Arithmetic Around Euler Partial Differential Equations view
Hornung, U. (ed.)
Kotelenez, P. (ed.)
Papanicolaou, G. (ed.)
Random partial differential equations view
Horuzhy, S.S. Introduction to algebraic quantum field theory view
Hu, B.L. (ed.)
Jacobson, T.A. (ed.)
Directions in General Relativity, Vol. II, Papers in Honor of Dieter Brill view
Hu, B.L. (ed.)
Jacobson, T.A. (ed.)
Vol. II, Papers in honor of Dieter Brill
Hu, B.L. (ed.)
Ryan, M.P. (ed.)
Vishveshwara, C.V. (ed.)
Directions in General Relativity, Vol. I, Papers in Honor of Charles Misner view
Hu, B.L. (ed.)
Ryan, M.P. Jr. (ed.)
Vishveshvara, C.V. (ed.)
Vol. I, Papers in honor of Charles Misner
Huet, Gerard (ed.)
Plotkin, Gordon (ed.)
Logical Environments view
Huijsmans, C.B. (ed.)
Luxemburg, W.A.J. (ed.)
Huijsmans, C.B. (ed.)
Luxemburg, W.A.J. (ed.)
Positive Operators and Semigroups on Banach Lattices view
Hörnlein, H.R.E.M. (ed.)
Schittkowski, K. (ed.)
Software Systems for Structural Optimization view
Hübsch, Tristan Calabi-Yau Manifold view
Imai, Isae Applied Hyperfunction Theory view
Imai, Isao Applied Hyperfunction Theory view
Isidori, A. (ed.)
Tarn, T.J. (ed.)
Systems, Models and Feedback: Theory and Applications view
Ivanov, A.V.
Leonenko, N.N.
Statistical Analysis of Random Fields view
Iversen, B. Hyperbolic geometry view
Jones, C.K.R.T. (ed.)
Kirchgraber, U. (ed.)
Walther, H.O. (ed.)
Dynamics Reported (New Series), vol. I view
Joshi, Mohan C.
Balakrishnan, A.V.
Mathematical theory of control view
Jungnickel, D. Finite Fields. Structure and Arithmetics view
Kadison, Richard V.
Ringrose, John R.
Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras, Vol. 3: Special Topics view
Kaper, Hans G. (ed.)
Garbey, Marc (ed.)
Asymptotic and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations with Critical Parameters view
Karr, A.F. Point processes and their statistical inference (Second edition) view
Karr, A.F. Point processes and their statistical inference (Second edition) view
Kaufmann, S. MATHEMATICA als Werkzeug view
Keckic, D.S. Mitinovic and J.D. The Cauchy Method of Residues, Vol. II. Theory and Applications view
Kevorkin, J. Partial differential equations view
Kharchenko, V.K. Automorphisms and derivations of associative rings view
Kim, J.H. (ed.)
Stringer, J. (ed.)
Applied chaos view
King, P.R. (ed.) The Mathematics of Oil Recovery view
Kirchgraber, U. (ed.)
Walther, H.O. (ed.)
Dynamics Reported, vol. I view
Kirchgraber, U. (ed.)
Walther, H.O. (ed.)
Dynamics Reported, vol. II view
Kisielewicz, Michal Differential inclusions and optimal control view
Kolmanovskii, V.
Myshkis, A.
Applied theory of functional differential equations view
Kolmogorov, A.N. Selected Works of A.N. Kolmogorov, Volume III: Information Theory and the Theory of Algorithms view
Kolmogorov, A.N. Selected Works of A.N. Kolmogorov, Volume I: Mathematics and Mechanics view
Kolmogorov, A.N. Selected Works of A.N. Kolmogorov, Volume II: Probability theory and Mathematical statistics view
Koornwinder, T.H. (ed.) Wavelets: an elementary treatment of theory and applications view
Korobov, N.M. Exponential Sums and their Applications view
Kraut, R. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Plato view
Krylov, N.V. Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Equations of the Second Order view
Krätzel, E. Lattice Points view
Kushner, Harold J.
Dupuis, Paul G.
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Control Problems in Continuous Time view
König, D.
Schmidt, V.
Zufällige Punktprozesse; eine Einführung mit Anwendungsbeispielen view
Laine, A. (ed.) Wavelet theory and application view
Lamb, H. Hydrodynamics (6th edition) view
Lascaux, P.
Théodor, R.
Analyse numérique matricielle appliquée à l'art de l'ingénieur view
Lewins, J. (ed.)
Becker, M. (ed.)
Advances in nuclear science and technology, Vol. 20 view
Lichtenberg, A.J.
Lieberman, M.A.
Regular and chaotic dynamics, 2nd ed. view
Lindvall, T. Lectures on the Coupling Method view
Liptser, R. Sh.
Shiryayev, A. N.
Theory of Martingales view
Ljung, L.
Pflug, G.
Walk, H.
Stochastic approximation and optimization of random systems view
Ljung, L.
Pflug, G.
Walk, H.
Stochastic approximation and optimization of random systems view
Marinov, C.A.
Neittaanmaki, P.
Mathematical Models in Electrical Circuits: Theory and Applications view
Marques, M.D.P.Monteiro Differential inclusions in nonsmooth mechanical problems: shocks and dry friction view
Meyer, Y. Wavelets: algorithms and applications view
Micali, A. (ed.)
Boudet, R. (ed.)
Helmstetter, J. (ed.)
Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics view
Mitrinovic, D.S.
Pecaric, J.E.
Fink, A.M.
Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis view
Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S.
Keckic, Jovan B.
THE CAUCHY METHOD OF RESIDUES, vol. 2 Theory and Applications view
Mohapatra, Rabindra N. Unification and Supersymmetry (2nd edition) view
Montgomery, D.C.
Peck, E.A.
Introduction to linear regression analysis (Second edition) view
Montgomery, D.C.
Peck, E.A.
Introduction to linear regression analysis (Second edition) view
Moon, Francis C. Chaotic and Fractal Dynamics. An Introduction for Applied Scientists and Engineers view
Muller, R. Unsolved problems related to Smarandache function view
Murray, M.K.
Rice, J.W.
Differential Geometry and Statistics view
Naber, Gregory L. The Geometry of Minkowski Spacetime view
Nakamura, K. Quantum chaos - a new paradigm of nonlinear dynamics view
Narasimhan, Mysore N.L. Principles of Continuum Mechanics view
Narlikar, Jayant V. Introduction to Cosmology (2nd edition) view
Nastasescu, C .
Oystaeyen, F. van
Dimensions of Ring Theory view
Neimark, Yu.I.
Landa, P.S.
Stochastic and Chaotic Oscillations view
Neimark, Yu.I.
Landa, P.S.
Stochastic and Chaotic Oscillations view
Nelson, P. (ed.)
Faber, V. (ed.)
Manteuffel, T. (ed.)
Seth, D.L. (ed.)
White, A.B. Jr. (ed.)
Transport theory, invariant imbedding, and integral equations - Proceedings in honor of G.M. Wing's 65th birthday view
Neuman, Frantisek Global properties of linear ordinary differential equations view
Neuman, Frantisek Global Properties of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations view
Nivat, Maurice (ed.)
Podelski, Andreas (ed.)
Tree Automata and Languages view
North, T.H. Advanced Joining Technologies. Proceedings of the International Institute of Welding Congress on Joining Research, July 1990 view
Novac, Vilem (ed.)
Ramic, Jaroslav (ed.)
Mares, Milan (ed.)
Cherny, Martin (ed.)
Necola, Jiri (ed.)
Fuzzy approach to reasoning and decision making view
O'Malley, Robert E. Jr. (ed.) ICIAM 91; Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics view
Mathematical Problems in Elasticity and Homogenization view
Onishchik, A. L. (ed.) Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I view
Ott, Edward Chaos in Dynamical Systems view
Oziewicz, Z (ed.)
Jancewicz, B. (ed.)
Borowiec, A. (ed.)
Spinors, twistors, Clifford algebras and quantum deformations view
Padmanabhan, T. Structure Formation in the Universe view
Panik, M.J. Fundamentals of convex analysis. Duality, separation, representation and resolution view
Paulauskas, V.
Rackauskas, A.
Approximation theory in the central limit theorem view
Peebles, P.J.E. Quantum Mechanics view
Pervozvanskii, A.A.
Gaitsgori, V.G.
Theory of suboptimal decisions view
Petrina, D.Ya.
Gerasimenko, V.I.
Malyshev, P.V.
Mathematical foundations of classical statistical mechanics, Continuous systems view
Pinus, A.G. Boolean Constructions in Universal Algebras view
Pinus, A.G. Boolean Constructions in Universal Algebras view
Popov, V. N. Functional Integrals and Collective Excitations view
Power, S.C. Limit algebras: an introduction to subalgebrasof C*-algebras view
Prato, G. Da
Zabczyk, J.
Stochastic equations in infinite dimensions view
Prato, G. Da (ed.)
Tubaro, L. (ed.)
Stochastic partial differential equations and applications view
Puta, Mircea Hamiltonian Mechanical Systems and Geometric Quantization view
Puta, Mircea Hamiltonian Mechanical Systems and Geometric Quantization view
Pázman, Andrej Nonlinear Statistical Models view
Quaife, A. Automated Development of Fundamental Mathematical Theories view
Ramm, A.G. Scattering by Obstacles view
Ranicki, A.A. Algebraic L-Theory and Topological manifolds view
Rao, M.M.
Ren, Z.D.
Theory of Orlicz Spaces view
Retherford, J. R. Hilbert Space: Compact Operators and the Trace Theorem view
Rodman, Leiba An Introduction to Operator Polynomials view
Rodrigues, J.F. (ed.) Mathematical Models for Phase Change Problems view
Rosenberg, Ivo G. (ed.)
Sabidussi, Gert (ed.)
Algebras and Orders - Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute and Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures on Algebras and Orders, Montreal, Canada, July 29 - August 9, 1991 view
Rozovskii, B.L. Stochastic evolution systems. Linear theory and applications to non-linear filtering view
Ruhe, Gunther Algorithmic Aspects of Flows in Networks view
Sakamoto, Y. Categorical Data Analysis by AIC view
Sakamoto, Y.
Ishiguro, M.
Kitagawa, G.
Akaike information criterion statistics view
Sakamoto, Y.
Ishiguro, M.
Kitagawa, G.
Akaike Information Criterion Statistics view
Samoilenko, Y.S. Spectral Theory of Families of Self-Adjoint Operators view
Scheck, F. Mechanics, From Newton's laws to deterministic chaos view
Schneider, Manfred Himmelsmechanik, Band I, 3rd edition view
Schöning, Uwe Theoretische Informatik kurz gefasst view
Schöning, Uwe Logik fur Informatiker, 3. ,überarbeitete Auflage view
Segur, H. (ed.)
Tanveer, S. (ed.)
Levine, H. (ed.)
Asymptotics beyond all orders view
Sernesi, Edoardo Linear Algebra - A geometric approach view
Sharkovsky, A.N.
Maistrenko, Yu.L.
Romanenko, L.Yu.
Difference equations and their applications view
Shparlinski, Igor E. Computational and Algorithmic Problems in Finite Fields. view
Skorohod, A.V. Stochastic equations for complex systems view
Skorohod, A.V. Random processes with independent increments view
Skorohod, A.V. Stochastic Equations for Complex Systems view
Soize, C. Mathematical methods in the analysis of signal view
Sokolowski, Jan
Zolesio, Jean-Paul
Introduction to shape optimization view
Spigler, R. (ed.) Applied and Industrial Mathematics view
Sritharan, S.S. Invariant manifold theory for hydrodynamic transition view
Srivastava, H. M.
Buschman, P. G.
Theory and applications of convolution integral equations view
Srivastava, H.M.
Buschman, R.G.
Theory and applications of convolution integral equations view
Stancu-Minasian, I.M. Stochastic programming with multiple objective functions view
Staudenmaier, H.M. (ed.) Physics Experiments Using PCs: A Guide for Instructors and Students view
Sterman, George An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory view
Stoughton, Allen Fully Abstract Models of Programming Languages view
Stoyan, D.
Stoyan, H.
Fraktale, Formen, Punktfelder; Methoden der Geometrie-Statistik view
Stroock, Daniel. W. Probability Theory (An analytic view) view
Szmydt, Z.
Ziemian, B.
The Mellin transformation and Fuchsian type partial differential equations view
Teo, K.L.
Goh, C.J.
Wong, K.H.
A unified computational approach to optimal control problems view
Tichy, Milik Applied Methods of Structural Reliability view
Tsfasman, M.A.
Vladut, S.G.
Algebraic-geometric codes view
Turcotte, Donald L. Fractals and chaos in geology and geophysics view
Udriste, Constantin Convex Functions and Optimization Methods on Riemannian Manifolds view
Uspensky, Vladimir
Semenov, Alexei
Algorithms: Main Ideas and Applications view
Vajtersic, Maián Algorithms for Elliptic Problems. Efficient sequential and Parallel Solvers view
Varopoulos, N.Th.
Saloff-Coste, L.
Coulhon, T.
Analysis and Geometry on Groups view
Vidal-Naquet, Guy
Choquet-Geniet, Annie
Reseaux de Petri et systemes paralleles view
Vilenkin, N.Ja.
Klimyk, A.U.
Representation of Lie Groups and Special Functions, Vol. 2: Class I Representations, Special Functions, and Integral Transforms view
Vilenkin, N.Ja.
Klimyk, A.U.
Representation of Lie Groups and Special Functions, Vol. 3: Classical and Quantum Groups and Special Functions view
Vilenkin, N.Ja.
Klimyk, A.U.
Representation of Lie groups and special functions, Volume 3 view
Vishik, M. I. Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of evolutionary equations view
Vries, J. de Elements of Topological Dynamics view
Walukiewicz, S. Integer Programing view
Weibel, Ch. An Introduction to Homological Algebra view
Wen, Guo Chun
Begehr, Heinrich G.W.
Boundary Value Problems for Elliptic Equations and Systems view
West, Thelma (ed.) Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems view
Will, Clifford M. Theory and Experiment in Gravitation Physies (2nd edition) view
Williams, F.L. Lectures on the spectrum of L^2(GammaG) view
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