Curiculum Vitae
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Book reviews
from the
Dutch Mathematical
Book reviews
from the journal
Acta Applicandae

Book review

Author(s) North, T.H.
Title Advanced Joining Technologies. Proceedings of the International Institute of Welding Congress on Joining Research, July 1990
Publisher Chapman and Hall
Year of publication 1990
Reviewed by Vasile Postolica

This book is a collection of the research papers exhibited at the International Congress on Joining Research organized by the Canadian Council of the International Institute of Welding in Montreal, July 20/21, 1990, edited by Professor T.H. North from the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, University of Toronto.

The fact that the study of joining is a very important way of research from the fundamental and applied science points of view is illustrated by the prestigious international participation of eight countries (Belgium, Canada, Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, Soviet Union, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States). The book contains four parts. Part one, entitled "Research Directions in Joining Processes", consists of four contributions on high-energy joining, current and future trends in microjoining, plasma arc welding and cutting and the role of computers in joining processes. In the following part "Arc Physics, Equipment and Controls" we find five research works dedicated to the physics of arc welding processes, heat and fluid flow in welds, robot welding systems, sensing and adaptive control of arc welding and the real time X-ray inspection. Part three "Material Science Concepts in Joining" contains four lectures on the oxygen and nitrogen absorption of iron weld metal during arc welding, transient liquid insert metal diffusion bonding of nickel-base superalloys, a new modelling of weld solidification and its application to crack susceptibility for stainless steels and material aspects of ceramic-ceramic and ceramic-metal bonding.

The last part "Research Directions in Welded Construction" deals with welding metallurgy and process development research for the gas pipeline industry, research directions in welded high strength steel structures, materials and their weldability for the power generation industry, trends in design and fabriaction of ship structures and materials science study of speciments of permanent joints and coatings made in space.

This book is important for anyone wanting to be informed on the combination of science and art defined by the welding processes with applications in welding metallurgy and materials science, non-destructive testing, automation and field construction.