Curiculum Vitae
Other Writings
Book reviews
from the
Dutch Mathematical
Book reviews
from the journal
Acta Applicandae

Book review

Author(s) Aven, O.I.
Coffman, E.G. Jr.
Kogan, Y.A.
Title Stochastic Analysis of Computer Storage
Publisher D. Reidel Publishing Company
Year of publication 1987
Reviewed by Viorica-Cerasela Postolache

Techniques involving the computer find wide applications in many fields of science and engineering. Consequently, the memory's management represents an important problem of researchers and scientists working in the computers science. This book is suitable for workers in this domain as well as for more advanced students in mathematics and computers.

The authors' aim have been to provide new results concerning the stochastic analysis of computers storage illustrated with examples drawn from the area of application. The range of topics covered is from buffer storage to advanced concepts such as primary and secondary computer storage, and applications of paged two-level memories such as analysis of algorithms, approximate models and efficient computations. In this book can be found optimal replacement algorithms with comparison between them (FIFO, LRU etc.) as well as some general properties. Also a Markovian model of programs behaviour is presented.

The book is well produced and includes a comprehensive bibliography. There exists a table of index. Some figures, carefully plotted, illustrate the ideas and the concepts.

Generally, the presentation is rigorous and reflects the experience of the authors in the computers research work. Since computers are relevant in various life and social sciences, I expect that this book will be of interest to workers in these fields.

A knowledge of calculus and stochastic equations as well as Markov chains are assumed. I consider this book is not sufficiently selfcontained to enable independent research consequently a small area of readers can use the book.