Curiculum Vitae
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Book reviews
from the
Dutch Mathematical
Book reviews
from the journal
Acta Applicandae

Book review

Author(s) Clover, F.
Klingman, D.
Phillips, N.V.
Title Network Models in Optimization and Their Applications in Practice
Publisher John Wiley and Sons
Year of publication 1992
Reviewed by Marton Ernö Balazs

The book is a very nice text on network optimization which systematically develops the various network models starting from pure networks, through dynamic and generalized networks to discrete ones together with the types of optimization problems associated and their solving. The great advantage of the presentation is that beyond pointing out the advantages of network models, each of them are introduced by real world applications, suggestions for building them being made as well. The built models and optimization methods are given with their computer implementation in view. The importance of graphic interpretation of network models is emphasized by the large number of graphs which acompany all the subjects in the book. Although the presented models and methods are clearly and rigorously presented deep mathematical discussions are avoided which makes it accessible by non mathematicians for which in my opinion the book is meant.

The edition is very nice with an excellent quality of printing, paper and binding.

The book can be of great help to any specialist and student concernd with decision making, planning in business or engineering. It should also be present in libraries consulted by professionals and students in the mentioned fields.