Curiculum Vitae
Other Writings
Book reviews
from the
Dutch Mathematical
Book reviews
from the journal
Acta Applicandae

Publications of
Michiel Hazewinkel

Other writings
Book reviews


Many papers from the following list exist in several versions.
For instance if an essentially identical preprint appeared in the preprint series of two different institutions.
Usually they do not differ much.

  1. Abelian extensions of local fields. Thesis, Amsterdam, 1969. (69a)
  2. A twisted duality theorem for Lie algebra cohomology (Russian). Mat. Sbornik 83 (125), 639--644, 1970. (70a, reprint 187).
  3. Classes de corps local. Appendice dans M. Demazure, P. Gabriel. Groupes algebriques, tome 1, North Holland, 1971. (71a, reprint 188).
  4. Constructing formal groups I. J. Pure and Applied Algebra 9 (1977), 141--149. Formerly report 7119, reprint 202 (together with 6).
  5. On the stability of dynamic economic processes. report 7120, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1971.
  6. Constructing formal groups II. J. Pure and Applied Algebra 9 (1977) 151--161. formerly report 7201, reprint 202 (together with 4).
  7. A complement to a paper of Debreu. report 7203, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1972.
  8. On norm maps for one dimensional formal group I: the cyclotomic Gamma-extension. J. of Algebra 32, 1974, 89--108. formerly report 7206, reprint 178.
  9. Constructing formal groups III: over Z, Z(p), ... . report 7207 of the Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1972.
  10. Norm maps for one dimensional formal groups II: Gamma-extensions of local fields with algebraically closed residue field. J. Reine u. Angew. Math. 268/269, 1974 222--250. reprint 168.
  11. (with F. Oort) On Extk(N,Ga) for finite group schemes N over a non-perfect base field k. report 7213, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam 1972.
  12. (with F. Oort) On Extk(Ga,Ga) over a non-perfect base field k. report 7214, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1972.
  13. (with P. de Weerd) On stability in mathematical programming (first order theory) report 7306, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam 1972.
  14. Wiskunde als laboratorium (Inaugural address). June, 1973, Rotterdam.
  15. Local class field theory is easy. Advances in mathematics. 18, 2 (1975), 148--181. formerly report 7318, reprint 180.
  16. Note on Kuhn--Tucker theory and stability. report 7320, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1973.
  17. Constructing formal groups IV: Witt vectors and Cartier--Dieudonne modules. report 7322, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1973.
  18. Translation from the Russian book by Yu.J. Manin, Cubic forms: algebra, geometry, arithmetic, North Holland, 1974. 292 pp.
  19. Some examples concerning linear continuity of solutions to programming problems. Operations Research 25, 4 (1977), 715--719. formerly report 7411, reprint 208.
  20. Some of the generators of the complex cobordism ring. Report 7412, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam.
  21. (with M. van de Vel) On almost fixed point theory. Canadian J. Math. 30, 4 (1978), 673--699. formerly report 7501, Econometric Inst., reprint 233.
  22. On operations in Brown--Peterson cohomology. report 7520 Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1975.
  23. A universal formal group and complex cobordism, Bull., Amer. Math. Society 81, 5 (1975), 930--933. (75a, reprint 182).
  24. (with R.E. Kalman) Moduli and canonical forms for linear dynamical systems. report 7504, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1975.
  25. On more dimensional universal formal groups. report 7505, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1975.
  26. Norm maps for formal groups IV, Michigan, J. Math. 25 (1978), 245--255. formerly report 7506, Econometric Inst., reprint 230.
  27. Constructing formal groups VIII Formal A-modules, Compositio Math. 38 (1979), 277--291. formerly report 7507, reprint 241.
  28. (with R.E. Kalman) On invariants, canonical forms and moduli for linear, constant, finite dimensional, dynamical systems. Proceedings CNR--CISM symp. on Algebraic System Theory, Udine, 1975. Lect. Notes Economics and Math. Syst. 131, 1976, 48--60. (75b, reprint 189).
  29. On the Kalman filter and the econometric general linear model. report 7512, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1975.
  30. The linear part of the Brown--Peterson cohomology operations map BP*(pt) -> BP*(BP). report 7513, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1975.
  31. Constructing formal groups V: the Lubin--Tate formal moduli theorem and Lazard's classification theorem for one dimensional formal groups over an algebraically closed field. report 7514, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam. (To appear Adv. Math.; cf., however, 55).
  32. A universal isomorphism of p-typical formal groups and operations in Brown--Peterson cohomology. Indagationes Math., 38 (1976), 195--199. (67a, reprint 186).
    Addenda et Corrigenda to reports 7502, 7513, 7514 (cf. 22, 30, 31 above), Sept. 1975.
  33. Constructing formal Groups III. Applications to complex cobordism and Brown--Peterson cohomology, J. Pure and applied Algebra 10 (1977), 1--18 77c; reprint 210; contains material from 4, 6, 22, 30 + some new stuff.
  34. Norm maps for formal groups III. duke Math. J. 44, 2 (1977), 305--314. formerly: report 7517 (On formal groups, norm maps and Zp-extensions), reprint 203.
  35. Constructing formal groups VI. Cartier's third theorem and involved pairs of functions. report 7519, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1975; to appear Adv. math.; cf., however, 55.
  36. On the nonexistence of canonical forms for linear dynamical systems. Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 70 (1978), 6, 359--369. formerly report 7520, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1975.
  37. Moduli and canonical forms for linear dynamical systems. II. the topological case, J. Math. Systems Th. 10 (1977), 363--385. formerly report 7609, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam; reprint 216.
  38. Moduli and canonical forms for linear dynamical systems. III. the algebraic-geometric case. In; C. Martin, R. Hermann (eds.). The 1976 Ames research Centre (NASA) conference on geometric control theory, Math. Sci. Press, 1977, 291--360. formerly report 7610, reprint 211 (together with 39).
  39. Representation of quivers and moduli of linear dynamical systems. In C. Martin, R. Hermann (eds). The 1976 Ames Research Centre (NASA) conference on geometric control theory, Math. Sci. Press, 1977, 277--290 (76b; reprint 211 together with 38).
  40. Constructing formal groups VII: examples and complements, submitted Adv. Math.; cf., however, 55 (77c).
  41. Three research announcements on formal A-modules. report 7624, Econometrics Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1976. (Contains preprints of 42, 43 and announcement of 47).
  42. Une theorie de Cartier--Dieudonne pour les A-modules formels, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 284 (1977), 655--657. (77a, reprint 199 together with 43).
  43. "Tapis de Cartier" pour les A-modules formels, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 284 ( 1977), 739--749. (77e, reprint 199 together with 42).
  44. Formal groups and applications, Acad. Press, 1978, 573 pp.
  45. On invariants and canonical forms for linear dynamical systems. Proc. Fifth Colloquium on groups and many body physics, LNPh 78, Springer 1978, 476--478 (77f, reprint 227 together with 46; this is a short survey and guide to the principal results of 37, 39, 46).
  46. Degenerating families of linear dynamical systems, report 7711, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1977. Proc. 1977 IEEE CDC, New Orleans, Dec. 1977, 258--264. reprint 227 together with 45.
  47. Twisted Lubin--Tate formal group laws, ramified Witt vectors and (ramified) Artin--Hasse exponentials, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 259 (1980), 47--63. reprint 271, formerly report 7712.
  48. (with W. Hesseling, JD. Siersma, F. Veldkamp). The ubiquity of Coxeter Dynkin diagrams. (An introduction of the A--D--E problem), Nieuw Archief v. Wiskunde 35, 3 (1977), 257--307 (77g, reprint 218).
  49. Invariants, moduli and canonical forms for linear time-varying dynamical systems, Ricerche di Automatica, 9, 1 (1978), 1--14. reprint 256; formerly report 7725, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1977.
  50. A new proof of Cartier's third theorem. report 7810, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam.
  51. On the (internal) symmetry groups of linear dynamical systems. In: P. Kramer, M. Dal Cin (eds). Groups, systems and many-body physics, Vieweg, 1980, 362--400. reprint 267, formerly report 7811.
  52. Infinite dimensional universal formal groups laws and formal A-modules. Proc. Copenhagen Summer Meeting Algebraic Geometry 1978. Lect. Notes in Math. 732 (1979), 124--143. reprint 252, formerly report 7823.
  53. On formal groups: The functional equation lemma and some of its applications. In: Journees de geometrie algebraic Rennes 1978, Asterisque, 63 (1979), 124--143. reprint 252, formerly report 7823.
  54. On identification and the geometry of the space of linear systems, Proc. Conf. on Stochastic Control Theory and stochastic differential systems, Bonn, Jan. 1979, Lect. Notes in Control and System Sciences 16 Springer, 1979, 401--415. reprint 245.
  55. Constructing Formal groups IV, V, VI, VII. (Final versions of 25, 31, 35, 40, which were to be published in Adv. Math., but which I cancelled because long publication delays caused 44 to appear earlier). report 7827, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1978.
  56. On invariants and moduli for linear time-varying systems. In: Analyse des systemes (Bordeaux, Sept. 1978). Asterisque, 76--76 (1980), Soc. Math. de France (this is a shortened version of 49).
  57. On the theory of families of linear systems (with A.M. Perdon), Proc. MTNS'79 (4th Int. Symp. on the math. Theory of Networks and Systems, Delft, July 3--6, 1979), 155--161, (79b); reprint 246: for full versin cf. 66.
  58. A partial survey of the uses of algebraic geometry in systems and control theory, centennial. In: Proc. INDAM 24 (F Severi centennial conference, Rome, April 1979), Acad. Pr., 1981, 245--292. formerly report 7913, reprint 287.
  59. (Fine) moduli (space) for linear systems: what are they and what are they good for. In; C. Byrnes, C.F. Martin (eds), Geometric methods for linear systems theory (Harvard, June 1979), Reidel Publ. Co., 1980, 125--193. reprint 274, formerly report 7914.
  60. On families of linear systems. Degeneration phenomena. In: C.I. Byrnes, C.F. Martin (eds). Linear systems theory. Amer. Math. Soc. Lect. in Appl. Math. 18 (1980), 157--190. reprint 279, formerly report 7918.
  61. (with C.H. Liu, S.I. Marcus), Some examples of Lie algebraic structure in nonlinear estimation, In: Proc. JACC, 1980 (San Francisco, TP 7--C), reprint 268.
  62. (with C. Martin), Representations of the symmetric groups, the specialization order, Schubert cells and systems, Enseignement Mat., 29 (1983) 53--87. reprint 353, formerly report 8103/M.
  63. (with C. Byrnes, C. Martin, Y. Rouchaleau), Introduction to geometrical methods for the theory of linear systaems. In: C.I. Byrnes, C.F. Martin (eds), Proc. NATO--ASI on geometric and algebraic methods in linear system theory, Harvard, 1979, Reidel Publ. Co., 1980, 1--84, reprint 273.
  64. (with S.I. Marcus), On Lie algebras and finite dimensional filtering, Stochastics 7 (1982), 29--62. reprint 317, formerly report 8019.
  65. (as editor), Proceedings filterday Rotterdam 1980, report 8011/M, Econometric Inst., 1980.
  66. (with A.M. Perdon) On families of systems: pointwise-local-global isomorphism problems, Int. J. of Control 33, 4 (1981), 713--726, reprint 293, formerly report 8010/M.
  67. On representations for the symmetric groups, nilpotent matrices, systems, vector bundles and Schubert-cells, Proc. ICRA III (Puebla, Mexico, 1980).
  68. (with T. Vorst) On the Snapper, Liebler--Vitale, Lam theorem on permutation representations of the symmetric groups, J. Pure and Applied algebra, 23 (1982) 29--32. reprint 308, formerly report 8022/M.
  69. (with C. Martin) Representation of Sn and the geometry of linear systems, Proc. IEEE CDC Albuquerque, dec. 1980, 401--407 (80b) reprint 313.
  70. On deformation, approximations and nonlinear filtering, Systems and Control letters 1, 1 (1981), 32--36. reprint 292, formerly report 8025.
  71. On Lie algebras of vector fields, Lie algebras of differential operators and nonlinear filtering. In: E. Looyenga, F. Takens (eds), Volume honoring Nico Kuiper on his 60th birthday, Lect. Notes in Math., 894, Springer, 1981, 91--106 (80c, reprint 305).
  72. (with S. Marcus) Some facts and speculations on Lie algebras in filtering. In: M. Hazewinkel, J.C. Willems (eds) Stochastic Systems: the mathematics of filtering and identification and applications, Reidel Publ. Co., 1981, 591--604. (80d, reprint 298).
  73. A short tutorial on Lie algebras. In: M. Hazewinkel, J.C. Willems (eds) Stochastic systems: the mathematics of filtering and identification and applications, Reidel Publ. Co. 95--108. reprint 297, together with 76.
  74. (with S.I. Marcus) On the relationship between Lie algebras and nonlinear estimation, Proc. IEEE CDC Albuquerque, Dec 1980, 66--71. This is a resume version of 64. (80f)
  75. (with C.F. Martin) A short elementary proof of Grothendieck's theorem on algebraic vectorbundles over the projective line, J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 25 (1982), 207--212. reprint 320, formerly report 8101.
  76. A tutorial introduction to differentiable manifolds and vector fields. In: M. Hazewinkel, J.C. Willems (eds), Stochastic systems: the mathematics of filtering and identification adn aplications, Reidel Publ. Co., 1981, 77--93. reprint 297, together with 73.
  77. (With S.I. Marcus, H.J. Sussmann) Nonexistence of finite-dimensional filters for conditional statistics of the cubic sensor, System and Control Letters, 3 (1983), 331--340. reprint 366, formerly report 178/83, Math. Centre, 1983. (a slightly longer version appears in H. Korezlioglu, G. Mazzitto, J. Szpirglas (eds), Filtering and control of random processes, LN Control and Inf. Sci. 61 (1984), 76--103.
  78. (With J.C. Willems) Introduction: An annotated navigation chart and sketch of the main themes in this volume and their interrelations. In: M. Hazewinkel, J.C. Willems (eds), Stochastic systems: the mathematics of filtering and identification and applications, Reidel Publ. Co., 1981, 3--26. reprint 296.
  79. (with J.C. Willems (eds). Stochastic systems the mathematics of filtering and identification and applications, Reidel Publ. Co., 1981, 663 pp.
  80. The "mixing character order" can not be measured by a finite set of differentiable functions. report 8111/M, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1981.
  81. Operations in the K-theory of endomorphisms, J. of Algebra 84 (1983), 285--304. reprint 364, formerly report 8131/M
  82. Cohomology, Witt vectors, Hopf Algebras and Representations, In preparation.
  83. (with B. Hanzon) On identification of linear systems and the estimation Lie-algeba of the associated nonlinear filtering problem, report 8122/M, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1981. Proc. 6th IFAC Conf. Identification, Washington, 1982, Pergamon Press, 1983, 63--68.
  84. Control and filtering of a class of nonlinear but "homogeneous" systems. In: Proc. Bielefeld/Rome Conf. Synthesis and feedback for linear and nonlinear systems. In: Lect. N. Inf. Sci. and Control, Springer, 39 (1982), 123--146. reprint 324, formerly report 8123/M.
  85. The linear systems Lie-algebra, the Segal--Shale--Weil representation and all Kalman--Bucy filters. (Formerly report 8130, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1981.) J. of Syst. Sci. and Math. Sci. 5: 2 (1985), 94--106. An outline version appears in P.A. Fuhrmann (ed), Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (Beer Sheva 1983), LN Control and Inf. Sci. 58 (1984), 433--436.
  86. (with P.S. Krishnaprasad, S.I. Marcus) System identification and nonlinear filtering: Lie algebras, Proc. IEEE CDC, San Diego, Dec 1981, 330--334. reprint 299.
  87. (with P.S. Krishnaprasad, B. Hanzon) Approximation methods for nonlinear filtering problems arising in system identification, Proc. IEEE CDC, San Diego, Dec 1981, 594. reprint 299.
  88. (with C.F. Martin) On decentralization, symmetry and special structure in linear systems. reort 8201/M, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1982. Submitted J. Syst. Sci. and Math. Sci.; a two page outline appears in Proc. IEEE CDC, San Antonio, Dec 1983; A four page outline in LN control Inf. Sci. 58 (1984), 437--440.
  89. (with C.F. Martin) Symmetric systems: An application of algebraic systems theory, Int. J. Control 37, 6 (1983), 1371--1384.
  90. Lectures on invariants, representations and Lie algebras in system and control theory. Seminaire d'Algebre P. Dubreil et M.P. Malliavin 1981/1982, Lect. Notes Math. 1029 (1984), 1--36 (83a).
  91. (with A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan (eds)) Current developments in the interface: economics, econometrics, mathematics, Reidel Publ. Co., 1982, 355 pp.
  92. (with J. Lewis, C. Martin) Symmetric systems with semi-simple structure algebra: the quaternionic case. Systems and Control Letters 3, 3 (1983), 151--154. reprint 365, formerly report BW 185/83, Math. Centre 1983.
  93. The art of applying mathematics, Acta Appl. Math. 1 (1983), 1.3 (83b)
  94. (with P.S. Krishnaprasad, S.I. Marcus) Current algebas and the identification problem, Stochastics 11 (1983), 65--101 formerly report BW 187/83, Math. Centre Amsterdam 1983.
  95. Experimentele Wiskunde. Voordracht op 31 augustus t.g.v. de naamsverandering MC -> CWI. (Nederlandstalige sterk verkorte versie van 100)
  96. Notes on (the philosophy of) linearization. report PM--N8401, CWI, 1984.
  97. Symmetry, bifurcations and pattern formation (d'apres Sattinger, Michel, Thom and many others). In: M. Hazewinkel, R. Jurcovich, J.H.C. Paelinck (eds) Bifurcation analysis; principles, applications and synthesis, Reidel Publ. Co., 1985, 201--232.
  98. Bifurcation phenomena. A short introductory tutorial with examples. In: M. Hazewinkel, R. Jurcovich, J.H.C. Paelinck (eds) Bifurcation analysis: principles, applications and synthesis, Reidel Publ. Co. 1985, 13--30.
  99. On mathematical control engineering. 28, July 1985, 133--151 Gazette des Math., (formerly report N 8402, CWI, 1984).
  100. Experimental mathematics. In J.W. de Bakker, M. Hazewinkel, J.K. Lenstra (eds), Proc. of the 1983 CWI Symp. on Mathematics and Computer Science, CWI and North holland Publ. Co., 1986, 193--234. (Formerly report PM--R8411, CWI, Amsterdam). Also a somewhat modified version in: Math. Modelling 6 (1985), 175--211.
  101. On positive vectors, positive matrices and the specialization order. Lecture given at the Beijing Conference on systems and control, May 1984. report PM--R8407, CWI, Amsterdam, 1984.
  102. Symmetry in physics and systems theory. an introduction to past, present and future possibilities. Proc. 23rd IEEE CDC, Dec. 1984, Las Vegas, 1578--1582.
  103. Vezelbundels en natuurkunde, Ned. Tijdschrift v. Natuurkunde B 50: 10 (1984), 81--84.
  104. Translation from the Russian of B.S. Razumihin, Physical models and equilibrium methods in programming and economics, Reidel Publ. Co., 1984, 351 pp.
  105. (with T.J. Tarn, C.K. Ong) Quantum mechanical system symmetry, Proc. 23rd IEEE CDC, Las Vegas 1984, 1587--1592.
  106. (with R. Jurcovich, J.H,C. Paelinck (eds)) Bifurcation analysis: principles applications and synthesis, Reidel Publ. Co., 1985.
  107. (with J.F. Kaashoek, B. Leynse), Pattern formation for a one-dimensional evolution equation based on Thom's river basin model. In: C.M. Kilmister (ed.), Disequilibrium and self-organisation, Reidel, 1986, 23--46. Formerly Report 8519/B, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1985.
  108. Three lectures on formal groups. Report PM--R8505, July 1985, CWI, Amsterdam. D.J. Britten, F. Lemire, R.V. Moody (eds) Proc. Can. Math. Soc. Summer Seminar on Lie algebra and related topics (Windsor, July 1984), AMS, 1986, 51--68.
  109. Parametrization problems for spaces of linear input-output systems. In: H. Neunzert (ed), Proc. Workshop, The road-vehicle system and related mathematics, (Lambrecht, March 1985), Teubner, 1985, 143--151; formerly Report PM--R8507, September 1985, CWI, Amsterdam.
  110. (with G. Koch (eds), Mathematics of biology, Reidel Publ. Cy., 1985.
  111. Lie algebraic method in filtering and identification, Report PM--R8606, Nov. 1986, CWI, Amsterdam. In: M. Mebkhout, R. Seneor (eds), VIII-th Int. Cong. on mathematical physics, Luminy 1986, World Scientific 1987, 120--137, and in: Yu.V. Prohorov, V.V. Sazonov (eds.), Proc. of the 1-st World congres of the Bernouilli Soc., VNU Sci. Pr., 1987, Vol. 1, 749--766.
  112. Introduction to nilpotent approximation filtering, In: A.H.P. van der Burgh, R.M.M. Mattheij (eds), Proceedings ICIAM '87. Contributions from the Netherlands, CWI, 1987, 197--202, and in H. Neunzert (ed.), Proc. of the 2-nd European Symp. on Math. in Industry, Teubner/Reidel, 1988, 115--120. Formerly report PM--R8709,
  113. (with J.F. Kaashoek & B. Leynse) Liesegang rings, pattern formation at phase transition: experiments and mathematical modelling, Report 8729/A, Econometric Inst., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, 1987.
  114. A tutorial introduction to differentiable manifolds and calculus on differentiable manifolds. In: W. Schiehlen, W. Wedig (eds), Analysis and estimation of stochastic mechanical systems, CISM course, June 1987. Springer (Wien), 1988 316--340; Report PM--R8803, CWI, Amsterdam, 1987. (The first half of this paper is a revised and expanded version of 76.)
  115. A short tutorial on Lie algebras. In: W. Schiehlen, W. Wedig (eds), Analysis and estimation of stochastic mechnical systems, CISM course, June 1987, Springer (Wien), 1988 341--350; Report PM--R88012, CWI Amsterdam. (This is a revised and somewhat expanded version of paper 73.)
  116. Lectures on linear and nonlinear filtering. In: W. Schiehlen, W. Wedig (eds), Analysis and estimation of stochastic mechanical systems, CISM course, June 1987, Springer (Wien), 1988 103--136; Report PM--R8801, CWI, Amsterdam, 1987.
  117. On filtering and polynomials in independant Brownian motions. To appear in a special issue of Acta Cientifica, 1988, Caracas, Venezuela; Report PM--R8810, CWI, Amsterdam, 1987.
  118. Nongaussian linear filtering, identification of linear systems, and the symplectic group. In: R. Gielerak, W. Karwowski, stochastic methods in physics, World Scientific, 1989, 325--337. Report PM--R8810, CWI, Amsterdam, 1988.
    Also in A. Blaquiere (ed.), Modeling and control of systems, Lect. N. Control and Inf. Sci. 121, Springer, 1989, 299--308, and in H. Neunzert (ed.), Proc. of the 2nd workshop on Road--Vehicle--Systems and related mathematics, Teubner/KAP, 1989, 117--127.
  119. (with S. Albeverio, Ph. Blanchard, L. Streit (eds)), Stochastic processes in physics and engineering, Reidel, 1988.
  120. (with R.M.M. Mattheij, E.W.C. van Groesen (eds), Proc. of the first European Symposium on Mathematics in industry. Teubner/Reidel, 1988.
  121. The philosophy of deformations: introductory remarks and a guide to this volume, in: M. Hazewinkel, M. Gerstenhaber (eds), Deformation theory of algebras and structures and applications, KAP, 1988, 1--7.
  122. (with M. Gerstenhaber (eds)), Deformation theory of algebras and structures and applications, KAP, 1988, 1030 pp.
  123. (with M. Fliess (eds)), Algebraic and geometric methods in nonlinear control theory, Reidel, 1986.
  124. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 4, KAP, August 1989.
  125. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 3, KAP, January 1989.
  126. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 1, KAP, November 1987.
  127. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 2, KAP, July 1988.
  128. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Vol. 5, KAP, January 1990.
  129. (with J.W. de Bakker, J.K. Lenstra (eds)), Mathematics and computer science, North--Holland, 1986.
  130. (with J.W. de Bakker, L.G.L.T. Meertens (eds)), Mathematics and computer science II, North--Holland, 1986.
  131. Introductory recommendations for the study of Hopf algebras in mathematics and physics, CWI Quarterly, vol. 4:1, 1991, 3--26.
  132. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Vol. 6: Lob--Opt, KAP, 1990.
  133. Solitons, Lie algebras and worse. In preparation. Invited paper; Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde.
  134. Soliton and Riccati equations. Invited paper. In: K. Ito, T. Hida (eds), Gaussian random fields, World Scientific 1991, 187--196. Formerly report AM--R9103, CWI, 1991.
  135. Some problems in applied algebra, CWI Report AM--R9306, august 1993: In Überblicke Mathematik 1993, Teubner.
  136. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Vol. 7: Orb--Ray, KAP, June 1991.
  137. Symmetrie problemen, In: A.W. Grootendorst (ed.), Meetkundige structuren, CWI Syllabus 28, 1991, 91--104.
  138. Wavelets understand fractals. In: T.H. Koornwinder (ed.), Wavelets: an elementary treatment of theory and applications, World Scientific, 1993, 209--219.
  139. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Vol. 8: Rea--Sti, KAP, January 1992.
  140. "Hilbert 90" for polynomial matrices, CWI preprint, AM--R9211, 1992.
  141. On commutative semisimple bialgebras, CWI preprint, AM--R9210, 1992.
  142. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Vol. 9: Sto--Zyg, KAP, January 1993.
  143. Multiparameter quantum groups and multiparameter R-matrices, CWI Report AM--R9307, September 1995; Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 41(1995), 57--98.
  144. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Vol. 10 Index, January 1994, KAP.
  145. Lipshitz distance and hierarchical clustering, CWI report, AM-R9506, 1995; to appear in J. of Classification, 1999.
  146. The Wouthuysen equation, CWI report, AM--R9501, 1995.
  147. Classification in mathematics, discrete metric spaces, and approximation by trees, CWI report, AM--R9505, 1995; Nieuw Arch. voor Wiskunde, series IV, 13(1995), 325--361.
  148. Tree-tree matrices and other combinatorial problems from taxonomy, CWI report, AM--R9507, 1995; Eur. J. Combinatorics, 17(1996), 191-208.
  149. Linked balanced designs are BIBD's, CWI report, AM--R9509, 1995.
  150. (with V.V. Kalashnikov) Counting interlacing pairs on the circle, preprint 1995, To appear European J Combinatorics.
  151. Linear vs non-linear mathematics with emphasis on the KdV equation and other Liouville integrable systems. KdV course, University of Amsterdam, April 1995.
  152. (with H.W. Capel, E.M. de Jager), KdV'95, KAP, 1995. Proceedings of the April 1995 100 year memorial conference at University of Amsterdam and CWI.
  153. (with L.A. Bokut', Yu.G. Reshetnyak (eds)), Third Siberian School Algebra and Analysis, Amer. Math. Soc., 1995.
  154. (ed.) Handbook of Algebra, Vol. 1, 915pp, Elsevier, 1995.
  155. (with S van Dongen, H Bego), Subject and Author Index Theoretical Computer Science Vols 101-150, Thoeretical Comp. Sci. 150 (1995), 195-313.
  156. Multiparameter super quantum groups, CWI Report AM--R9614; to appear Acta math. Appl., 1999.
  157. The Leibniz-Hopf algebra and Lyndon words, CWI Report AM--R9612, 1996; to appear Acta Appl. Math., 1999.
  158. Enriched thesauri and their uses in information retrieval and storage, In: C Thanos (ed.), Proceedings of the First DELOS workshop, March 1996, ERCIM, 1997, 27--32.
  159. Index Artificial Intelligence Volumes 1--89, Artificial Intelligence 96(1997), 1--227.
  160. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement I (Volume 11), KAP, 1997.
  161. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Six volume trade edition of the original volumes 1-10, Toppan Cy, Singapore, 1995 and KAP, 1995.
  162. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Six volume boxed paperback edition of the original volumes 1-10, KAP, 1995.
  163. The simplest GOSA, preprint, 1997.
  164. Chen--Fox--Lyndon factorization over partially ordered sets, preprint, 1997.
  165. CDROM version of the Encyclopaedia of Mathematics (vols 1-11), KAP, 1997.
  166. (with A A Ivanov, A J Woldar (eds)), Algebra and combinatorics: interactions and applications. Special volume 52 of Acta Appl. Math., KAP, 1998.
  167. Topologies and metrics on information spaces, preprint 1998;
    htpp:/www.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de/workshop97/proc.html; revised and expanded version, to appear CWI Quarterly, 1999.
  168. Index Theoretical Computer Science Volumes 1-200, Theor. Comp. Sci. 213/214 (double special volume), Elsevier, 1999, 1-699.
  169. Generalized overlapping shuffle algebras, preprint 1998; to appear Proc. Pontryagin Memorial Conf., Moscow 1998, 1999.
  170. Symmetry, Yang-Baxter equation, quantum groups, and link invariants. Preprint, 1995.
  171. Cofree coalgebras and recursiveness. In preparation.
  172. The algebra of quasi-symmetric functions is free over the integers, preprint CWI, Amsterdam and ICTP, Trieste. Submitted Ann. of Mathematics. Extended abstract to appear in the Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Low Dimensional Topology Conference of August 1999.
  173. Witt vectors. Chapter for Handbook of algebra, Vol. 6, Elsevier, 2009, 319-472.
  174. Lectures on interactions of K-theory and control, preprint ICTP Trieste, 1999.
  175. Key words and key phrases in scientific databases. To appear in the Proceedings of the ISI meeting on Statistical Publishing in Warsaw, August 1999.
  176. Mixed solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and the associated knot and link invariants. A research problem. To appear in the Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Low Dimensional Topology Conference of August 1999.
  177. Quasi-symmetric functions, In: D Krob, A A Mikhalev, A V Mikhalev (eds), Proc. FPSAC00, Moscow 2000, Springer, 2000, 30-44.
  178. Index 'Applied Discrete Mathematics' Volumes 1-92, Applied Discrete Mathematics 106 (2000), 1-261.
  179. Index 'Discrete Mathematics' Volumes 1-200, Discrete Mathematics 227/ 228. (2001), 1-684.
  180. Index 'Information Processing Letters' Volumes 1-75, Information Processing Letters 78 (2001), 1-448.
  181. (with R Rudzkis) Probabilistic model for the growth of thesauri, Acta Appl. Math. 67 (2001), 237-252.
  182. Bipartite graphs and automatic generation of thesauri, ERCIM News 27 (1996) 28-29. http://www.ercim.org/publication/
  183. Statistics of information clouds. Discussion paper, 6pp, 14.09.01.
  184. The primitives of the Hopf algebra of noncommutative symmetric functions. Preprint, 20 Oct. 2001, 24pp. Submitted Ann Math., Febr. 2002. arXiv: math.QA/0410365. Sao Paulo J. Math. Sci 1:2 (2007), 175-203
  185. Encyclopaedia of mathematics, Supplement II (Volume 12), 631pp, KAP, 2000. I
  186. Handbook of algebra, volume 2, 878 pp, Elsevier, 2000.
  187. Symmetric functions, noncommutative symmetric functions, and quasisymmetric functions, Acta Appl. Math. 75 (2003), 55-83, and in Proc. 3rd Ukrainian Algebra Conference, Algebraic structures and their applications, Sumy, July, 2001, Inst. Math. Ukrainian Acad. Sci., 2002, 259-282. arXiv: math.QA/0410468.
  188. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Supplement III (Volume 13), KAP, 2001.
  189. Index journal of logic programming volumes 1-46, J. Logic Algebraic programming 50:1-2 (2002), 1-103.
  190. Dialogue mediated information retrieval, automatic keyphrase assignment and identification clouds. Proceedings 'Crimea 2002'. Nine-th international conference. Libraries and associations in a transient world: new technologies and new forms of cooperation.
  191. Explicit polynomial generators for the ring of quasisymmetric functions over the integers. Preprint June 2002. Acta Appl. Math. 109 (2010) 39-44. arXiv: math.CO/0410366.
  192. (with I Andrianov, L Manevitch) Asymptology. Ideas, methods, and applications, KAP, 2002.
  193. Dynamic stochastic models for indexes and thesauri, identification clouds, and information retrieval and storage, Preprint, Jan. 2003. In: R Baeza-Yates, J Glaz, H Gzyl, J Hüsler, J L Palacios (eds), Recent advances in applied probability, Survey papers arising from IWAP2002, Caracas, Jan. 2002, KAP, 2004, 181-204.
  194. (with Hugo H Torriani) Coherence and uniqueness theorems for averaging processes in statistical mechanics Acta Appl. Math. 77:2 (2003), 105-123. (Final version of the preprint 'Generalized Balaban-Federbusch averaging') arXiv: math-ph/0410046.
  195. Symmetric functions, noncommutative symmetric functions, and quasisymmetric functions II, Acta Appl. Math. 85 (2005), 319-340; and in C de Concini, F van Oystayen, N Vavilov, A Yakovlev (eds), Noncommutative algebra and geometry, Proceedings Borewicz memorial conference, St Petersburg, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2005, 126-146. arXiv: math.QA/0410470.
  196. Outline current state of formula recognition. Preliminary report. Deliverable for IST project MKMnet, IST-2001-37057, February 2003.
  197. Identification clouds and automatic keyphrase assignment. Lessons learned from the TRIAL SOLUTION project. Deliverable for the IST project TRIAL SOLUTION, IST-1999-11397, April 2003.
  198. (with Andrei Bolibrukh, Viktor Kulikov, Mina Teicher (eds), Monodromy and applications, Special volume 85 of Acta Appl. Math., 2003, 292pp.
  199. Hilbert's 1990 ICM lecture. The 23 problems. In: I Grattan-Guinness (ed.), Landmark writings in Western mathematics 1640-1940, Elsevier, 2005, 732-747.
  200. (with Bruno Buchberger, Gaston Gonnet (eds), Mathematical knowledge management, Special volume 38 of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2003, 228pp.
  201. (ed.) Handbook of Algebra. Volume 3. Elsevier, 2003, 1161 pp.
  202. Endomorphisms of Hopf algebras and a little bit of control. Preprint, March 2004. In: W. P. Dayawansa a.o. (eds), New directions and applications in control (Proc. of a meeting in Lubbock, Texas, Nov. 2003), LN Control and Information Sciences 321, 2005, Springer, 107-122.
  203. Word Hopf algebras, preprint Aug. 2004. In: Ki-Bong Nam a.o.(eds), Advances in Algebra towards the millenium problems, SAS Int. Publ., 2004, 59-84. arXiv: math.CO/0410471.
  204. Hopf algebras of endomorphisms of Hopf algebras, preprint, Aug., 2004. arXiv: math.QA/0410364. Arab. J. Math. Sci. 33, 2008, 239-272
  205. (with Nadiya Gubareni, Vladimir V Kirichenko) Algebras, rings, and modules. Volume 1, Springer-KAP, 2004, 380pp.
  206. Mathematical knowledge management is needed. Keynote lecture at MKM 2003, Edinburgh, Nov. 2003. Preprint, 2004. arXiv: cs.IR/0410055.
  207. Hopf algebras: their status and pervasiveness (as of Oct. 2004). Prepreprint, 2004. arXiv: math.QA/0411536.
  208. Six chapters on Hopf algebras. Preprints for part of [205] Volume 2. 220 pages.
  209. Keyphrase assignment. Comparision between 'identification cloud' based automatic methods and human experts. Deliverable D2.5 of MKMnet, Nov. 2004.
  210. A lemma on symplectic matrices. Preprint, 27 Dec. 2004. Small part of an article in preparation with Norbert Kaiblinger, H Feichtinger a.o.
  211. (with Cees L Blom) Identification clouds: aspects of the implementation. Report SEN-E0508, CWI, August 2005.
  212. Rigidity for MPR, the Malvenuto-Poirier-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of permutations. Preprint, September 2005, Honam Mathematical Journal, 29:4 (2007), 495-510. Corrigenda et addenda 30 (2008), 205.
  213. (with V. Balys, R Rudzkis) Stochastic modeling of distributions of scientific terms in publications. In: Jonathan M Borwein, William M Farmer (eds), Mathematical knowledge management 2006, Springer, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. 4108, 2006. Preprint version, Sept. 2005.
  214. Towards uniqueness of the Malvenuto-Poirier-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of permutations. Preprint, Oct. 2005, Honam Mathematical Journal 29 (2007), 119-192.
  215. (with Hans G Feichtinger, Norbert Kaiblinger, Ewa Matusiak, Markus Neuhauser) Metaplectic operators on Cn. Quarterly J. of Math. Oxford 58 (2007), 1-14.
  216. Handbook of Algebra, Volume 4, Elsevier, 2006, 518pp.
  217. (with Bernard Hanzon (eds)) Constructive algebra and systems theory, KNAW, 2006, 356pp.
  218. (with Bernard Hanzon) An introduction to constructive algebra and systems theory, In: B Hanzon, M Hazewinkel (eds), Constructive algebra and systems theory, KNAW, 2006, 1-9.
  219. Hopf algebras: their status and pervasiveness
  220. Handbook of algebra, Volume 5, Elsevier, 2008
  221. Niceness theorems. Proc Abel Symp., Tromsø, June 2008
  222. Handbook of algebra, Volume 6, Elsevier, 2009
  223. Hasse-Schmidt derivations and the Hopf algebra of noncommutative symmetric functions